

When a person is anxious, it is because he or she is facing, or thinking about the threats in the future. Some people try to withdraw from the threat, while others will try and get support from others to face the threat. However, one's emotional goals should be to carry on with life without getting involved in it. This can be a tough decision to make, but we counsellors are always at your side.

Addictive behaviour

Excessive use of dependency over something is called addiction. It could be either alcohol, smoking, internet, or even some behavior which is hindering in the progress of a person. In the short term, one might enjoy it, but in the long term, it harnesses one's ability to do few things accurately. In the same way addictive behavior like loneliness, isolation, shame puts a person in painful situations. Therefore, it is important to bring in healthy substitute behavior to help deal and help oneself not to fall off the proverbial wagon. Support and encouragement from others is very useful in the recovery process.


In a world of tomorrow there is a comforting sense of hope, however in the world of procrastination it is a false optimism, it is a world of illusion. If you tell yourself that the task is boring then you will never be able to accomplish it. Many a times people want to postpone an activity but to not try to find out the hassles that is being created in mind. But of course there is a remedy and make yourself do an activity before it is too late. But remember, procastination is like common cold, you will not understand when it will come back.

child Counselling

Just like adults children also have a lot of emotional problems which an adult might not recognize or does not want to believe that a child could be facing any issues. We want our children to be special because it makes the parents feel better but they can not bind the child to themselves. The best gift a parent can give their child is understanding and taking care of the emotions in a healthy way. If we want children to master the emotions then we have to teach them to fight with situations and not surrender to them.


There is a difference in thinking pattern of men and women. Fulfilling the primary notion of your partner is the powerful secret of a good relationship. But many couples forget that they want the partner to solve issues in the way they are thinking. As the reasons change there is a change in behavior, attitude, goal, stress level of individual and hence we can not expect the partners to behave in the same way throughout their life. Couple counselling helps in building the bond, helps in understanding each other and strengthen positive relationship.

PARENT & family counselling

There is a responsibility that every family member must have in order to stay together with liveliness, happiness and help each other to attain the goals and enhance their abilities. Some parents think, being strict will help the children in the long run where they will be disciplined. Whereas few want to be friendly with the children. But parents have to understand that there has to be a balance on two most important dimensions: Warmth and Control. It is the role of the primary caregiver whose impact describes the behavior of the child. Here positive parenting comes in picture which is based on strong acceptance of self and child.


Excessive use of alcohol or illicit drugs has been increasing over the years. There is certain stigma attached to the word "Addiction" and it becomes a problem because people are reluctant to confront the problem and take help. Also, at the same time they are so much immersed in the illicit use of drug, they get so much constant pleasure that they forget the long term effects of it. And this is where the counsellor comes in picture where they help or give guidance on getting the road to recovery and help towards the path of healthier and happier lifestyle. Mental health professionals help to manage the emotional pain and mental discomfort.


When one starts thinking of various irrational beliefs about oneself or others and exaggerates the thinking, one is prone to depression. One of the REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy) belief is that the outer world does not make you depressed, but it is the weitage you put to that thought. So the focus should be on what we are thinking ; is it that we are blaming ourselves; everyone feels sad at the same piont or the other. There is always a bit of anxiety or depression in everyday life but let this not go overboard and work towards finding the solution yo it.

Weight loss

Being concerned about or interested in the way we look is normal. Weight loss problem is same for men and women. During festivals or functions we indulge in heavy eating with the hope of losing the extra weight in due time. Some people indulge in binge eating to satisfy the dopamine or relax themselves. How you look may matter to you and what you think of outer world. It has an attitude or belief one has about oneself. There is nothing bad in how you look, it may not stop the traffic or demoralize you but one has to understand the impact of unhealthy eating will have on one's life. I will always believe that your looks were determined before you born and there is nothing less or more attractive.

ocd - obsessive compulsive disorder

OCD is the repetitive behavior when a person experiences obsessions which can take the form of uncontrollable thoughts, habit, fear or worries. For example, keep washing hands again and again, thinking something negative continuously, fear of falling. Severe OCD can have biological or negative impact on our bodies. REBT - Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy - helps people to understand their tolerance level of the uncertainties and other unconditional love to themselves. It focuses on the thinking pattern of a person, makes the person understand the beliefs related to particular thoughts and how they can change for betterment. It helps to develop a self help mindset and stop responding to illogical emotions or behaviors.

Self esteem

There is none who is good or bad. It is a behavior at certain times that makes us like that. We can't have global rating of world based on just certain aspect because we have strengths and weakness, positive and negative aspects. All human beings are equal in nature. REBT - Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy - encourages to stop giving yourself a global rating altogether. Rather it helps a person to understand that there is no problem in making mistake and learning from it. Instead of running from an activity. There is no one who is superior or inferior, it is the attitude and belief that makes us believe it.


While guilt is termed as an emotional problem. It is important to understand the reasons associated with it. The inferences we draw from guilt leads to a lot of negative emotions due to which one is not able to perform certain activity. When one is prone to guilt, it becomes difficult to get involved because of the belief that nothing wrong should happen. This belief and reasoning needs to change. One can not make all things perfect in this world, some imperfections are with everyone so don't be in a guilty situation and think nothing bad should happen to me or others or we cannot hurt anyone.


There are some people who are calm, composed or efficient, whereas there would be people whose heart starts beating with slightest pressure. There are various methods like yoga, meditation, playing games, listening to music to reduce stress but my therapy says that unless the person doesn't understand the cause of the problem, there cannot be a solution. Don't give your body short terms solution but a resolution for the entire life. REBT is an effective therapy that can be applied for the management of the stress. Stress is nothing but just an emotional disturbance with frustration, tension, anxiety and exhaustion. There can be stressful moment everywhere in the environment but there cant be anything absolutely bad that can happen.


There is an emotional vehicle that runs at a very high speed in our body. A lot of tension and stressors, anxiety, emotional disturbances do not help us do our work in a productive way. One of the best ways to keep all in control is mindfulness. We all want to design a life, we want to live and act gratefully for what we have. There is no magical thinking in it but just how mindful of things that happens to us. A person cannot meditate when he/ she is not mindful. Mindfulness is in every moment, second in life. It doesn't require any particular moment or place but is effective in helping us being in a state of consciousness. We mediate to get a good life, to enhance our performance. It is one of the best methods of strengthening our mind.

emotional intolerance

Our mind is usually occupied or thinking about something. We get carried away about the fear of future events Or an event that is not happening at the moment. We can not tell our mind not to do anything, we can not tell it to be worried, but what we can do is practice absorbing the thoughts. This can be positive or negative. But just address these thoughts, understand them and something can be worked and you should not dwell on it too much. Some kind of stress is important, if we do not have stressors, we will not be able to achieve our goals. So certain negative emotions are not always bad, it could be healthy stress too. One of the best methods of reducing emotional intolerance is to exercise. It works like a drug and doesn't have any side effects too.

career counselling

It is very important to choose a right career at right time, Otherwise one would end up in a job and not a career pathway. There is a clear distinction between interest, job, hobby and career. What one likes to do could be a hobby but if you are passionate about your hobby and it is going to give you income and satisfaction then it becomes a career. In the field of career development, assessments are used to help clients learn more about their aptitude, personality, interest, skill and values.

social works counselling

Being an academic counselor of masters in social works field, I explain students not just to help but also understand in depth the dimension of the social work. Social work is to understand the socio, psycho parameter of people, the trauma they go through, the financials, emotional needs of the people, the sufferings in the world.
